predicted better than by random chance.

The Role of RNG in Various Fields
1. Gaming:

In video games, RNG plays a critical role in determining the randomness of events, item drops, or even the behavior of AI characters. This element of unpredictability adds excitement and replay value to games. For instance, in a role-playing game, RNG might determine the likelihood of encountering a specific enemy or finding a rare item.
2. Gambling:

In casinos, RNG systems ensure that the outcomes of digital games like slots and roulette are completely random, providing fairness to the player and unpredictability in the game results. This randomness is crucial for the integrity of gambling activities, as it assures players that the games are not rigged.
3. Cryptography:

RNGs are also essential in the field of cryptography. They are used to generate keys and nonces in cryptographic algorithms to ensure secure communication. The randomness provided by RNGs in this context helps to protect data from being deciphered or hacked.
4. Simulation and Modeling:

Scientists and analysts use RNGs to create simulations and models that mimic random phenomena in the real world. For example, RNGs can be used in climate models to simulate random weather patterns.

Types of RNGs
1. True Random Number Generators (TRNGs):

These devices generate random numbers from a physical process, such as radioactive decay or atmospheric noise. TRNGs are often used in scientific research and cryptography because they provide high levels of randomness and are less predictable than their algorithmic counterparts.