Getting an auto loan with a good credit score might be easy but, how about someone with no credit or bad credit history? It can be a little tricky as the lender cannot measure your credit score and thus, determine your creditworthiness in a positive light. However, all is not lost.

With a stable income source and solid financial statements, you can get guaranteed auto loan approval. You can divide the loan approval process into three simple steps:

1) Completion of the online auto loan application process.

2) Submission of the supporting documents.

3) Thirdly, waiting for loan approval.

Dealing with Auto Loan Documents

Every lender has slight variations in loan requirements. The criteria may vary, but documents related to debt payments, income, and credit score are the top things that a lender would ask. Here is the list of all documents that you may require while getting an auto loan.

1. Proof of Identity: By law, lenders need to confirm customers’ identification with the help of a driver’s license, passport, or any other government-issued identity proof having a name and photograph. A valid driver’s license in the state of your residence is a must if you plan to drive your car.

2. Proof of Income: Most lenders will require income proof that shows that the borrower can make auto loan payments. This requirement can be satisfied by providing recent pay stubs, year-to-date income details, tax returns, and bank statements. Ideally, submit two years of tax history and the last three months’ bank statements. In some cases, lenders will call employers to confirm employment and income.

3. Personal References: In addition to a cosigner, lenders will ask for a few references. It is helpful, especially when you