When was the last time you flipped open a newspaper or turned on the news and were not inundated with stories about financial problems? From major stock market scares and mortgage woes to local bankruptcies money is tight and everyone is feeling it. But here is some good news you might not have heard about. There is a partial solution to help your company… Trade.


Trade or barter was around long before money. And it worked great in a simple society… If you were a farmer and had grain to spare you could trade it for something you needed, like cloth to make clothing. But as our needs increased, trade became more complicated. That same farmer might want to upgrade from a back breaking hoe to a nice plow but the local smithy has all the grain he needs. What can the farmer do?

This was a problem and money was the solution, easy as 1, 2, 3. Farmer sells grain. Farmer gets cash. Farmer buys plow.

Money might make the world go around but it’s not always as plentiful as we’d like. This is especially true for those who provide goods and services that can in any way be considered a luxury while consumers limit spending on anything but the bare essentials.

This is where trade comes in. And with it, a trade exchange. A trade exchange is a central resource that provides membership to businesses who want to exchange goods or services for other goods or services. The manager of the trade exchange keeps track of trade dollars in the accounts, publicizes what’s available and even helps broker the trading process when needed.

Back Commision Exchange
Trade on MXC

In short, a trade exchange makes it possible for one business to provide goods or services to another and banks the trade dollars for use on whatever available goods or services the business owner wants, now or later. You use your trade dollars for whatever you want. It’s that simple.

Trade is a great medium, especially when money is tight. I’ve only been involved with it for about a year but here are just a few advantages I’ve witnessed first hand:

1) Improved Cash Flow. Imagine never paying accounting or legal fees out of pocket again? Or how about office cleaning or catered lunches? The less you spend out of pocket, the more you have in reserve for when you do need it.